Assign My Reading Homework

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I was never one of those kids that you had to assign a reading list to over the summer.  I knew how to read when I was three, and literally was always reading for the next 40 years – books, magazines, newspapers, signs, other people’s books….I would even read the back of shampoo bottles under bathroom sink when I was a kid and I’d forgotten to take a magazine in the loo with me.

And that’s….started to wane.  I don’t know whether it’s because of a lack of downtime, or an Internet habit, but I am not reading as many full-on books any more.  So I’m turning librarian on myself and making a list of 20 books to read; fiction, non-fiction, you name it.

But that’s where I’m asking you to come in.  If I pick all the books, I won’t go much outside my comfort zone; so I’ll pick ten books, and you pick the other ten.  Go.

3 responses »

  1. Samuel R Delany’s Triton.

  2. Mikhail Bulgakov: The Master and Margarita. Pretty Faustian and Fantastic.

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